Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School Adventure
Join us for a series of missions, music and activities as we armor up with Truth, Justice, Peace and Salvation. Have fun with friends and learn more about God and his amazing stories as we explore the Knights of the North Castle.
July 25th- 28th 9am-12pm
Charles Wesley Singers 2022 Summer Tour
Choir Tour(Homecoming Tour for tonight has been Cancelled.)
Tour dates: June 20th through the 26th.
Homecoming Concert: June 27th
Departing June 20th by airplane from BWI, meeting the bus in Florida and having our tour, and then returning the night of June 26th.
We will spend time in perform for other church communities in Florida, and we will spend two days at Disney World.
If you have any questions or need more information, contact Stephen Kalnoske.
Food Truck Wednesday @ DUMC
Looking for a convenient, fun dinner plan for a Wednesday night dinner? Keep an eye out for Food Truck Wednesday @ DUMC! A community event on the front lawn of Damascus UMC with food trucks, music, fellowship, and more! Updates on the newest and upcoming dates to be posted here on the website, the Damascus United Methodist Church Facebook Page, and TW@DUMC email subscription.
Check out this video from our Food Truck Wednesday Kick-Off Event on June 15th, 2021!
Senior Sunday June 12th
During our service on Senior Sunday we recognize our graduating Seniors as they head off to the next phase of their adventures. One our traditions is presenting the Seniors with a binder. If you would like to contribute a page to one of our seniors please have them in the office either electronically or printed no later than June 8th.
Senior Binders - If you are not familiar with this awesome tradition of our Church – each year we create a binder for our graduating high school seniors that we present at senior Sunday – June 12th this year. The binder is filled with pages contributed from family members and other members of the congregation who would like to contribute. Our past Seniors have enjoyed receiving these binders finding them inspirational and comforting during the next step in their lives.
For additional Information or guidance please contact the Kelly Shiflett Church office , Tina Kelly
Youth Group Escape Room
Join us Sunday May 8th fag 6 pm for dinner and fellowship at DUMC. At 6:30 we will head to A Game of Rooms in Rockville. Space is limited so if interested please notify Ms. Tina ASAP at tina.kelly@damascusumc.org

DUMC Homecoming Sunday
We're excited to introduce our new worship schedule of 8:15 and 11am worship. Our Sunday School hour is at 9:45am. We'll introduce our Fall Adult Sunday School Classes and celebrate being together on Homecoming Sunday. Pastor Kathryn and Pastor B will share their vision behind Building the Body and unpack how we will reunite, reconnect, reengage, and recommit as a church family! Begin considering which Adult Sunday Group you'll be a part of for the fall! Look for more information coming soon.

DUMC Missions
3 Big Events on Saturday September 11 Supporting DUMC Missions
The DUMC Mission Team along with the United Methodist Women are planning 3 activities with one goal – raising money to expand our missions reach and to minister to those in need. These 3 events will all take place on September 11 on the church grounds.
Benefiting Neema Kenya ministries as they minister to young school children and supports a clinic for moms and families.
To reserve a space or table for the yard sale please use RESERVATION FORM.
More Info? Contact Linda Rice at 301-221-0844 or by EMAIL.
There will be a mum sale in the pavilion that benefits the general mission fund to help support scholarships, our missionaries, and various mission ministries both local, national and worldwide. Over 400 mums will be sold.
More Info? Contact Kathy Jones at 301-921-2665.
The United Methodist Women will sponsor a bake sale which will support any and all missions of our congregation and the denomination We need your help with baked contributions, individually wrapped, please.
More Info? Contact Mary Lou Leishear at 301-253-3830 or by EMAIL
All 3 activities will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, September 11. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to make a difference through Missions and have fun at the same time!

Wednesday Prayer with Pastor B
Join Pastor B and others for a devotion, prayer and praise. You can join us via Zoom or Facebook Live.

Harwood House Thrift Shop
Harwood House is in need of new volunteers. As always, we are in need of cashiers. We would also like to add 2 floater positions during each shift. The other position is for volunteers to receive donations and give receipts on Saturdays. Anyone interested will be trained. Contact Kim Gotard at jgotard@verizon.net