Damascus UMC is a diverse, loving community where people of all ages and walks of life connect through the love of Christ and sharing that love with others.
We hope you’ll join us for in-person and online worship as we seek to grow closer to God through music, message, scripture and prayer. If you’re worshipping with us from home, we’d love to hear from you, so please add comments on Facebook and YouTube.
Join Us Sundays
Join us at 9 am for worship in the Sanctuary with hymns and liturgical readings.
More for You
Learn about DUMC’s mission, meet our Pastors, ministry and serve opportunities, and ways to get involved. learn more
Find an Adult Study to get involved in and share life together. Or, let us know if you’d like to lead a group. learn more
Take the next step of membership through our DUMC Membership Class held quarterly on the first Sunday. sign-up
Getting Here
We’re located at 9700 New Church Street in Damascus